Diretório Pessoal


Atas e Resoluções- UFU
Academia Brasileira de Letras
Minhas Disciplinas
Medidor de Velocidade
Hora certa
Agenda de salas de reunião da FACOM
Códigos de horários de aula na UFU
Minha Agenda
Resolução CONGRAD Nº 73/2022 - Calendário da Graduação referente aos períodos letivos de 2022/1, 2022/2, 2023/1 e 2023/2
World Population and Coronavirus
Coronavírus no Brasil

Buscadores e Diretórios na Web

FAST Search: All the Web, All the Time
Search Engine Colossus

Portal Periodicos CAPES
Open Library Books
Britannica Online
ACM Digital Library
Books On-line, Listed by Title
DB&LP: Conferences & Workshops
DBLP Bibliography
CS Bibliography (BibTex)
The Stanford University Database Group

Linguagens, Ferramentas, Referências, etc

w3schools.com (HTML/CSS, JavaScript, Serve Side, XML, Programming, Web
The Python Language Reference
The Python Tutorial
Material de Apoio SBD
Material de Apoio GBD

Skillsoft Books by ACM

Conversational Design by Erika Hall (2018)
Web Performance in Action: Building Fast Web Pages by Jeremy L. Wagner (2017)
HTML5 for Web Designers by Jeremy Keith and... (2016)
JavaScript for Web Designers by Mat Marquis (2016)
OAuth 2 in Action by Justin Richer and...(2017)
MongoDB in Action by Kyle Banker and...(2016)
Essential Algorithms: A Practical Approach to Computer Algorithms Using Python and C# by Rod Stephens (2019)
Front-End Tooling with Gulp, Bower, and Yeoman by Stefan Baumgartner (2017)
Working the Command Line by Remy Sharp (2016)
Python for Graph and Network Analysis by Mohammed Zuhair Al-Taie and Seifedine Kadry (2018)
Mobile First by Luke Wroblewski (2011)
PostgreSQL Configuration: Best Practices for Performance and Security by Baji Shaik (2020)
The Penetration Tester's Guide to Web Applications by Serge Borso (2019)


Abebooks-Novos e Usados


Não seremos abalados (Nívea Soares - Legendado)
Aquieta Minha'alma (Ministério Zoe)
Santo Espírito (Laura Sougyuellis)
Ninguém Explica Deus (Preto no Branco ft. Gabriela Rocha)
Raise a Halellujah (Jonathan and Melissa Helser)
Sin Cristo No Tengo Nada (2012 IYF World Camp/Mexico)
I Still Believe (Kim Walker-Smith)
Never give up (Yolanda Adams)
Way Maker:
   (1) by Sinach & WorshipMob
   (2) by The Pentecostals of Alexandria
   (3) by Soraya Moraes
   (1) Vem,esta É a Hora (Vineyard)

Ilmério Silva