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Última alteração: 10/12/2024
doi>Wild boar recognition using convolutional neural networks
Silva, L. C.; Pádua, M. B. S.; Ogusuku, L. M.; Albertini, M. K.; Pimentel, R.; Backes, A. R.
Concurrency and Computation (online), p. e6010
doi>Wild boar Classification by Using a Fusion of Texture Analysis Methods
Silva, L. C.; Pádua, M. B. S.; Ogusuku, L. M.; Albertini, M. K.; Pimentel, R.; Backes, A. R.
In: CONFERENCE ON GRAPHICS, PATTERNS AND IMAGES, 33. (SIBGRAPI). 2020, Recife. Proceedings...Los Alamitos: IEEE Computer Society, 2020. p. 1-7.
doi>A novel immersed boundary/Fourier pseudospectral method for flows with thermal effects
Kinoshita, D.; Silveira Neto, A.; Mariano, F. P.; Silva, R. A. P.; Serfaty, R.
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part B: Fundamentals, vol. 2016
doi>Thermal Boundary Condition of First Type in Fourier Pseudospectral Method
Kinoshita, D.; Silveira Neto, A.; Mariano, F. P.; Silva, R. A. P.
In: Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2014, 2014, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
Proceedings...Cham: Springer Intl. Publ., 2015. p. 275—283.
doi>Predicting epidemic outbreak from individual features of the spreaders
Silva, R. A. P.; Viana, M. P.; Costa, L. da F.
Journal of Statistical Mechanics, vol. 2012, n. 7, p. P07005, 2012.
doi>The Effect of Host Morphology on Network Characteristics and Thermodynamical Properties of Ising Model Defined on the Network of Human Pyramidal Neurons
Silva, R. A. P.; Viana, M. P.; Costa, L. da F.
In: CompleNet - International Workshop on Complex Networks, 2., 2010, Rio de Janeiro.
Proceedings...Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 2011. p. 96—107.
doi>The effect of cortico-thalamic connections on the diversity of cortical activations as modeled by the Ising model
Silva, R. A. P.; Costa, L. da F.
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, vol. 20, n. 5, p. 1321—1334, 2010.
doi>Numerical Solution of the Upper-Convected Maxwell Model for Three-Dimensional Free Surface Flows
Tomé, M. F.; Silva, R. A. P.; Oishi, C. M.; McKee, S.
Communications in Computational Physics, vol. 6, n. 2, p. 367—395, 2009.
url>A numerical technique for simulating 3D free surface flows of an upper-convected Maxwell fluid
Silva, R. A. P.; Tomé, M. F.
In: XXVIII CILAMCE - Congresso Ibero Latino-Americano Sobre Métodos Computacionais em Engenharia. 2007, Porto, Portugal. Proceedings...Porto: Publindústria Lda., 2007. p. 273.
Última alteração: 06/07/2021
Última alteração: 11/02/2019